More NQC shots
Posted 10/08/02
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Hope with Charlotte Ritchie

Terah and Kelly

SGMA Bus Extravaganza

Our great friend, Kasey Embry of Morgantown, KY, won first place in the Solo Division of the NQC Talent Contest

The Talley Trio, Gerald Crabb, and producer Wayne Haun at the number one party for "The Healer."

Gerald with long-time hero Ben Speer

Jon and Terah with the Martins

Terah and Solid Gospel's Rick Shelton

Terah with Jaclyn Smith (The Isaacs) and Christy Steele ( The Steeles).

The Crabb Family booth

Michael English is one of the "Crabb Kids'" all-time favorite singers.

Aaron and Amanda with Michael English.

Ed Leonard of Daywind Music Group chats on Crabb County while Shellye, Kelly, Kathy, and Aaron join him for a photo.

Buddy and Beth Jarells of WSTS Radio

A final shot of the Crabb Family booth.
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